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Visual Storytelling

Visual Storytelling

It fascinates me how art can augment our emotions, from funny surreal scenes that make you think, to sweeping landscapes that create a sense of awe and wonder.

From a young age I was experimenting in different media to recreate the images in my head. Sometimes it's because of a quirky idea I have. Other times it's because I am overwhelmed by feelings of nostalgia and want to recreate a memory the way I remember it.

Either way, art will always be a way for me to express myself in a way that words often cannot, and a way for me to connect with others that have shared experiences with me.

Tŷ'r Mynydd

Growing up in Eryri National Park in Wales in a house my dad built was a fairly eccentric upbringing. I wanted to capture this hand-made, higgledy-piggledy cottage in a way that made it feel like it was being engulfed by nature.

This piece was created through multiple layers in Photoshop

Chwaral Penrhyn

Our local area used to be a thriving industrial area, fuelled by the Penrhyn slate quarry, once the largest in the world. I wanted to capture this artefact, a sturdy and epic part of the local landscape.

Nant Ffrancon

The aim of this piece was to move away from the symmetry of most of my work and to try a more natural composition. It is of a fond memory of driving to one of the most beautiful parts of Eryri National Park, towards Llyn Idwal.

Man of the Woods

When my father passed away, I wanted to remember him in a way that photos could not. He was never particularly fond of cameras, and this artwork is based on one of the last photos I have of him.

Spending time to focus on the details was a therapeutic exercise for me and made me notice all of the small details that made him who he was.

Magnificent Moose

Finding myself suddenly in Sweden for the first time, I was inspired by the small but intriguing differences that I found all around me. I spent my days collecting Chantarelle mushrooms and finding little red houses in the snow covered pine forests.

These small differences were magical to me in a time when I had been stuck at my family home for lockdown, and I wanted to give them the attention they deserved in this cute illustration of a moose playing guitar in the woods.

Illustrations for RaceID

Whilst working with RaceID, I illustrated a diverse set of characters, representing that everyone is a runner.




art, 2d, drawn, brand, design, digital,

Feeling lucky? Click me for a random idea!

© Owen Pickering 2022