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A Font for Creative Empowerment
NUCreate was the brainchild of myself and a group of fellow students: A society to give students freedom, enjoyment and empowerment through art and creativity. As the society's President I set to work to show freshers that NUCreate was something truly different by creating a thorough brand that included a custom-made font.

Through using unnatural gradients and impossible shapes, the brand is surreal and fun and expresses the inherent creativity of the society.

NUCreate Sans was the first font I?d ever designed, and the journey was a lot more fun than I?d imagined.

The letters are mostly made up of single-weight lines and geometric curves. A form that cannot be found in the natural world is guaranteed to look alien, and so this is where I got my inspiration for an overly perfect font.

The heavy weight and unexpected letters are inspired by soviet and modern Japanese typography, which looks almost familiar yet uncanny. I drew the letters on Rhino due to the program?s range of snapping options, although it was certainly not built for font creation. After that, I perfected them in Illustrator and then used the Fontself plugin to turn these shapes into a working font.

NUCreate gained a lot of interest in the university Freshers Fair and through event posters, proving that it's possible to brand a society in a way that's fresh and new.




large, digital, design, brand, art, ,

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© Owen Pickering 2022