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Own your Health Data
Aiden is a decentralised, global system for the secure exchange and processing of health data. It gives users full ownership of their health data, and is accessed by the user's device, or a doctor's, through biometrics. In emergencies strangers can identify you, giving First Responders access to your data.

Health data is currently stored on governmental systems, which has made innovation slow, global access difficult, and doesn't give us control over our own data. We all travel more yet healthcare abroad is expensive, requires proof of identity, and involves much paperwork.

By working closely with an NHS GP I found that the current technology used in medical practices is outdated, and from our personal experiences we found that healthcare abroad is dangerously inefficient. From numerous studies it is clear that AI has the ability to detect medical issues better than doctors. A senior CIS lecturer helped me to ensure that the AI would be secure, and decentralised through blockchain.




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© Owen Pickering 2022